Monday, February 22, 2010

Reader's Workshop Weekly Roundup: Week Four

How can we be into Week 4 already? This round up is a little late, due to a weekend at the beach - but it is here!

Unfortunately the week started off poorly. I was away at training (which pushed me to write my post on how real readers don't use highlighters) and the substitute decided to make students write, rather than having a discussion and then reading. Students were confused, and precious reading time cut down. Sigh.

As for the rest of the week. Well we talked about plot a lot. We talked about how things can go well or badly for characters, and we listened to a lot of passionate book talks. They are really going well at the moment.

I also finally got the book buddies together (it was so great to see the kids jumping up to show others books they should read) and we launched our first sneak attack and read before our very long assembly.

Finally we finished the week with our second lot of book letters. These were written at the computer lab, and aren't as good quality. I think I might have to move book letter day to Thursday and stick with the old fashioned pen and paper. I will try to respond to all the letters this time as a bit of a surprise.

Photo from Flickr


A Reader's Community

My photo
Queensland, Australia
A Reader's Community is a place to find ideas, information, resources and recommendations about Reader's Workshop.

This Blog has five main types of posts.

About Reader's Workshop - information about Reader's Workshop in my classroom and how it works

Reader's Workshop Tools - resources you can access and use to help you with reader's workshop

Book talks - Book recommendations of two or three books centred around a particular theme

Book letters - in-depth reviews of one particular book

Reader's Workshop Links - Short links lists to help you find more information
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