Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011: Fresh start, new class

We've now completed two days of the new school year here in Queensland. For a lot of children, there's almost a sense of relief associated with coming back to school - it was a holiday of rain and images of floods for most of them.

I've started the year with a half new, half old class. One group of children moved up with me (some of those students will have a third year with me), while another (two grades younger) joined me. So far it seems to be working really well.

One thing I'm enjoying is re-introducing Reader's Workshop. It's only been two days, so all we've done is talk about what good reading feels like and about Holiday, Challenge and Just Right books. We've also looked at new books that I bought over the holidays. The joy of keeping some old students is that they have experience; they describe reading as almost magical, as slipping away into new worlds. With older kids doing that, I really don't have to sell reading at all to the younger students.

I anticipate some challenges to the way I teach reading this year. This saddens me, but I'm ready for the fight. The students had excellent results last year, and I'm continuing to do lots of professional reading so I'm ready.

I'm feeling more enthusiastic about teaching at the moment, and really hoping that momentum holds through to blogging. I think I still have things to say and share about creating a reading community, and every now and then I can even indulge in a good old fashioned rant. For now, I'm going to enjoy my middle of the week holiday (it's Australia Day here) and think about where I'm headed next. Should be fun!


A Reader's Community

My photo
Queensland, Australia
A Reader's Community is a place to find ideas, information, resources and recommendations about Reader's Workshop.

This Blog has five main types of posts.

About Reader's Workshop - information about Reader's Workshop in my classroom and how it works

Reader's Workshop Tools - resources you can access and use to help you with reader's workshop

Book talks - Book recommendations of two or three books centred around a particular theme

Book letters - in-depth reviews of one particular book

Reader's Workshop Links - Short links lists to help you find more information
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